JS Hooks

Starting from version 0.8.2, Thug features JavaScript hooks. This feature could be quite useful if you are required to load your own JavaSript code in a page to be analyzed. For instance, if you are interested into scanning JavaScript libraries to detect known vulnerabilities (take a look at RetireJS [1] for a great example of that) this feature could be quite handy.

Defining and using JS hooks is extremely simple.

If you need to execute just one JavaScript file just drop it in the directory /etc/thug/hooks and you are done.

If you need to execute more than one Javascript file, be aware that Thug can enforce the order of execution of such files. All you need to do is to sort the file names in alphabetical order and Thug will execute them in that order. A good practice I would like to suggest is to prefix each file name with a numerical prefix (and remember that the string ‘10’ is lesser than ‘9’ so use ‘09’ instead if you have to execute more than nine hooks).

Let’s take a look at an example. We will make use of the following simple page and overwrite the eval method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    strVar = "one";
    myVar = eval("strVar");

Let’s run Thug against it

~ $ thug -l test.html
[2016-10-14 10:21:47] [Window] Alert Text: one

Let’s now drop the file 1-hook.js in the folder /etc/thug/hooks and run Thug again

~ $ ls -lh /etc/thug/hooks/
total 4.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35 Oct 14 10:22 1-hook.js

~ $ cat /etc/thug/hooks/1-hook.js
function eval(arg) {
        return "two";

~$ thug -l test.html
[2016-10-14 10:22:58] [Window] Alert Text: two

It’s easy to realize that the eval method was overwritten. Let’s now drop the file 2-hook.js in the folder /etc/thug/hooks and run Thug again

~$ ls -lh /etc/thug/hooks/
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35 Oct 14 10:22 1-hook.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37 Oct 14 10:26 2-hook.js

~$ cat /etc/thug/hooks/2-hook.js
function eval(arg) {
        return "three";

~ $ thug -l test.html
[2016-10-14 10:26:45] [Window] Alert Text: three

The two scripts are executed in the right order and the hook defined in 2-hook.js overwrites the one defined in 1-hook.js as expected. Let’s now drop the file 3-hook.js in the folder /etc/thug/hooks and run Thug once again

~ $ ls -lh /etc/thug/hooks/
total 12K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35 Oct 14 10:22 1-hook.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37 Oct 14 10:26 2-hook.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 36 Oct 14 10:28 3-hook.js

~ $ cat /etc/thug/hooks/3-hook.js
function eval(arg) {
        return "four";

~ $ thug -l test.html
[2016-10-14 10:28:20] [Window] Alert Text: four

The three scripts are executed again in the right order and the hook defined in 3-hook.js overwrites the other ones as expected.

Let’s try something more advanced now.

var saved_eval = this.eval;

this.eval = function() {
    alert("Hook me Captain Hook!");

    // Call the original function
    returnValue = saved_eval.apply(this, arguments);

    // Do your own stuff..
    alert("The original return value is: " + returnValue);
    alert("Is it what you expected?");

    // .. and return whatever you want
    return "two";

Let’s take a look at what happens when we run Thug now. Please note that all the files we used in the previous examples were removed and the folder /etc/thug/hooks contains just the previously shown file.

~ $ thug -l test.html
[2016-10-16 21:02:46] [Window] Alert Text: Hook me Captain Hook!
[2016-10-16 21:02:46] [Window] Alert Text: The original return value is: one
[2016-10-16 21:02:46] [Window] Alert Text: Is it what you expected?
[2016-10-16 21:02:46] [Window] Alert Text: two

Seems like we actually hooked the eval method. It was not so hard in the end, isn’t it?